Welcome back to the March Edition of ‘What I’ve Been Watching”! As always, I will be recapping my current streaming recommendations. Any sufferer of chronic pain knows that quality couch entertainment is essential, so I am always in search of the next series of consumable content. Without further ado, here’s what I’m watching in March 2019!
Arrested Development (Netflix)
This is a comedy classic that I somehow never watched in its entirety. An ensemble comedy following a highly dysfunctional family, Arrested Development features many familiar faces. This is definitely in the same family as Parks and Recreation when it comes to oddball comedy and reoccurring subtle humor. I am not a huge fan of the recently released newer seasons of the show that have been produced by Netflix, the original seasons are a short and easy watch. This is one of the most memed and quoted shows on Twitter, so this should be required viewing for pop-culture relevancy.
Veep (HBO GO)
I think I watched the first season a few years ago, but never kept up with this gem. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an absolute knockout and this project has rightfully won her six consecutive Primetime Emmy Awards. The series follows Louis-Dreyfus as the vice president (hence Veep) and her team as they face what seems to be a perpetual uphill battle against public opinion. The entire cast is engaging and play into a fast-paced comedic rhythm that leaves you breathless and ready for more at the end of each episode.
Iron Man (YouTube Movies)
My boyfriend Jimmy is a massive comic book fan and as a result, I have seen the entire Marvel anthology as it has played out on the big screen (complete with him whispering inaccuracies in my ear during major plot points). With End Game on the horizon, we decided to rewatch the series from the beginning, as neither of us has seen the original Iron Man since it was released in 2008. It’s interesting to go back to watch it with the knowledge of all the Marvel movies to come and familiarize yourself with the movie that catapulted the superhero movie genre into the stratosphere. This was also our first time renting a movie on YouTube and it ended up being much cheaper than other rental options.
The Musketeers (Hulu)
This was a rewatch for me. This BBC series was my obsession in 2016 and my recent desire to watch something with a compelling will-they-won’t-they story line brought me back to it. It’s the story you know ( 3 musketeers and their pal D’Artagnan) with new characters and excitement to keep you engaged. At its core, its a fictional buddy-centric historical adventure, but the main “ship” on the show (D’Artagnan and Constance) will leave you swooning harder than most rom-coms. Watch and be prepared to squeal – whether its over the brotherly love the main characters have for each other, or the impossible chemistry between the main romantic pairing.
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime)
Another rewatch for me, but definitely a show that should be on everyone’s radar. Rachel Brosnahan is sensational as the titular Midge Maisel, a doting 1950’s NYC housewife turned stand-up comic when her life is thrown off course by her husband’s infidelity. The second season that was released this past winter was equally if not more entertaining. Its one of those shows that has the ability to transcend the viewer into the time and place so completely that I found myself shopping monochrome outfits and pillbox hats for weeks afterwards.
Queer Eye (Netflix)
The now 3 season reality show is a remake of the beloved 2003 original with enough updates to put it in a class of its own. This is one show that can leave you in tears as you cycle through 20 emotions per episode (laughing, happy crying, laughing again). The new series does not limit the participants to just style-challenged straight men and instead tackles both men and women with issues that many people can identify with. It is impossible not to love the cast (“the fab five”) who manage to connect with the participants and audience in a way not often achieved by reality television. Once you finish season 1, you’ll own a cast member not unlike the way many do with Sex and the City characters (p.s. I’m a Jonathan).
Can’t wait to share what I’m watching next month, let me know if you guys have any recs!